Northbound bus is 462 is (stops across the street from the shelter)
Southbound bus is 462 (stops in front of the shelter)
What to Expect
Intake begins nightly at 5 pm.
First, we bring in guests that stayed at the shelter the previous night.
When there are open beds, we are able to accept new guests.
This is done on a first come, first served basis.
HOPE provides dinner, cold breakfast and bag lunches. Guests sleep on bunk beds and are provide with sheets, blankets and pillows and a storage bin. Guests can shower on the premises and are given hygiene kits, clean socks and underwear.
We have a cold weather clothes closet with boots, coats, hats and gloves for our guests and seasonal clothing as appropriate.
We provide a mailing address for our guests.
HOPE is a low barrier shelter,
Sobriety is not a requirement for admittance, but there is zero tolerance for alcohol or drug use on the premises.
ID is not required for admittance, but we will help you acquire an ID.
Resource partners are invited onsite to meet with guests at the shelter to eliminate the barrier of transportation.
Resource Guide
Download this guide for information on emergency shelters, food services, mental health services, Domestic violence and sexual assault services, and substance abuse treatment.